The CBD hemp oil is a wonder food supplement for both the small and large pets for the sustenance of good health. Initially, hemp products rose into popularity as human supplements before it was discovered that the CBD oil for dogs benefits was as numerous to animals as they were to humans. CBD hemp oil is extracted from the industrial hemp and has little or no traces of THC that can cause a psychoactive effect on pets. The hemp oil for horses is particularly very rich in hemp phytocompouds inclusive of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamins and several other nutrients that are associated with the cannabis plants.
The hemp oil is administered to the pets using a dropper bottle directly into the mouth. For the horse to reap maximum benefits, it’s given 15 drops of the hemp oil for horses 3 times in a day. Another way of giving CBD oil to the pets is by adding it to food, rubbing it onto the pet’s bare skin or in the inside of the ears, or as CBD induced treats. Placing a drop of the oil on the paws of the smaller pets will most likely still end up in the mouth. Whichever way is used to get the animals to ingest the oil, there are various benefits to expect which include:
- Reduction of Free Radicals and Toxins
The vitamins A and E contained in the CBD oil for dogs and for other pets contain antioxidants which help the body by fighting free radicals and toxins. By doing this, diseases like Alzheimer’s and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) are prevented. This is especially for the aged dogs and horses.
The CBD hemp oil has amazing antioxidant qualities that improve your pet’s health greatly. The toxins enter the body from processed foods, drugs and vaccines and chemicals such as pesticides and develop free radicals. The free radicals result in oxidative stress in your pet’s body leading to cell damage. Antioxidants such as the ones present in CBD hemp oils help to keep the free radicals in check, thus promoting health.
- Pain Relief
CBD hemp oils help in relieving pain regardless of what the cause of pain is. Whether its chronic pain due to conditions like arthritis or mild pain from a minor accident hemp oils will effectively relieve the pain.
Horses are naturally very active animals and as they age their joints degenerate. This can result in various bone and joint diseases like desmitis which can cause a lot of pain and discomfort to the animal. In such instances, hemp oil for horses will rescue the situation.
- Inflammation Control
The CBD hemp oil for horses contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 in the ratio of 1 to 3. Balancing the two is a recipe for great health. Omega 3 and Omega 6 work jointly in controlling inflammation. While Omega 6 works to increase inflammation in order to allow the body to recover from injury and disease, Omega 3 lowers the inflammation in the body that can cause diseases like inflammatory bowel disease that is very common in dogs.
Normal gut motility can be restored in the animals already have the signs of IBD. Other diseases that benefit from the reduction of inflammation include arthritis, cancers, heart diseases, and allergies. Omega 3 fats can also improve the workings of the brain, eyes, bones, joints, the heart, and the general immune system. Adding hemp oil for horses’ daily food intakes will prevent these crucial organs from getting diseases.
- Cure For Anxiety and Stress
It’s normal for a pet to feel stressed at times especially when the conditions around it are interfered with. Having a strange animal in the compound, loud noises, being separated from its owner, moving of residence, thunder, fireworks, are situations that can cause your pet to feel uneasy. Just like in humans, the hemp oils help in reducing tension and making the pet comfortable.
- Reduction of Nausea
Nausea and a lack of appetite are common in pets as they are in humans. They can be caused by sickness or the use of some drugs. Nausea can also be caused by rides. Prolonged periods of nausea can cause the animal to look thin and weak. Giving CBD for dogs to such a pet will bring back its desire to eat, therefore improving on its overall health.
- Immune Booster
CBD hemp oils contain phospholipids, which assist cells in maintaining their internal structure. The phospholipids boost the body’s immune functions while lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
It also reduces the pain from diseases like arthritis, inhibits the growth of tumors and repairs liver damage.
- Cure for Seizures
Hemp oil was first brought to the limelight for its ability to cure and control seizures in humans. Dogs, cats, horses and all other pets can get seizures too. Instead of using the regular anti-seizure medications at the risk of developing serious side effects, CBD hemp oil can offer a perfect alternative. The oil is effective in situations of drug-resistant epilepsy as an alternative treatment.
- Fights Cancer
Hemp oil for horses, as well as other CBD oils for pets, have the ability to inhibit the growth of some types of tumors including those that cause cancer. The oil also provides relief from the many side effects of conventional cancer treatment.
Benefits of using CBD hemp oil on your pet will guarantee you a happy animal. Though they might not be able to tell that they really feel good, they will not resist the temptation to show it.
The popularity of CBD products on pets has been increasing drastically because of the remarkable benefits. A number of good sites such as Suzie’s have come up with the healthy products for cats and dogs that can make your pets healthier than ever before. Just keep checking the range of these products online.